Event Application
MeitY Startup Hub
Consumer Goods
Transportation and Logistics
Enterprise Innovation Challenge

Enterprise Innovation Challenge


Accepting Applications from

To leverage the innovations created by the Indian entrepreneurs and to foster sustained engagement between Enterprises & Innovative Startups, NASSCOM CoE seeks to organize Innovation Challenge with Indian startups and premier Institutions for specific Enterprise's problem statements. In compliance with the directions, the Ministry of Electronics & IT Startup Hub (MeitY Startup Hub) is collaborating with NASSCOM CoE to provide access to the platform, resources, startups, and institutions which can be engaged in this process of solution identification based on problem statements as provided by enterprises.


Enterprise Innovation Challenge 




To leverage the innovations created by the Indian entrepreneurs and to foster sustained engagement between Enterprises & Innovative Startups, NASSCOM CoE seeks to organize Innovation Challenge with Indian startups and premier Institutions for specific Enterprise's problem statements. In compliance with the directions, the Ministry of Electronics & IT Startup Hub (MeitY Startup Hub) is collaborating with NASSCOM CoE to provide access to the platform, resources, startups, and institutions which can be engaged in this process of solution identification based on problem statements as provided by enterprises.

The Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology (MeitY) in partnership with NASSCOM CoE announces the launch of Enterprise Innovation Challenge to identify impactful solutions from startups to address the problem statements identified by Jubilant Food Works, Diageo & ABinBev.

Phase – I of Enterprise Innovation Challenge -Problem Statement

The problem statements provided by the Enterprises focus on Supply Chain as a theme.


Industry Partners

Problem Statement



Jubilant FoodWorks Limited

Computer vision-based road and driver analytics platform to reduce vehicle breakdown and improve the distribution process compliance and reduce food safety risk

Computer vision-based road and driver analytics and alert systems to keep the driver awake while driving. The camera feed used for driving analysis for better feedback and training. The video of road and driver available for post-accident analysis. Along with this, Temperature monitoring and deviation alerts along with Computer vision based real-time monitoring of vehicle loading/unloading process, any deviations against process are highlighted.


Diageo India private Limited

Asset Register through bar code / RFID sensor to capture asset presence / movement across sites

The company has fixed assets like Packaging Machines, Utility equipment, Tanks, Material handling trucks, Lab instruments etc. at various sites. All these fixed assets are to be labeled and mapped to a bar code and Sensors (e.g., RFID) to create a master list. This should enable for the easy traceability within and across sites. The bar codes should be enabled to link the asset in the SAP system


Anheuser Busch InBev India Limited

Analysis and reduction of in-transit breakages by 50%

Packed beer FG (bottles/CANs) are pressurized containers which if exposed to extreme handling, temperatures (or any other factor coming from analysis) may tend to burst/leak. This could also have a cascading effect on the carton damage in vehicles, leading to further breakages. An analysis of factors therein is hence imperative to understand what transpires enroute, determining actions for reducing/eliminating such losses.


The proposed Enterprise Innovation Challenge with three (03) pre-identified problem statements tries to tackle challenges related to Analysis and reduction of in-transit breakages by 50% or Asset Register through bar code/RFID and Computer vision-based road and driver analytics platform.

Scope of Work

The solutions by the interested entities will be used to augment, improve and scale the Supply chain issues defined by the enterprises. The technologies solutions for The Enterprise Innovation Challenge would be broadly categorized into the aforesaid three (03) major thrust/ focal areas, as provided by Enterprises.

Enterprise Innovation Challenge Implementation Mechanism

The Enterprise Innovation Challenge for Supply Chain is to be launched on the MSH platform and links also parallelly provided on the websites of MyGov, Startup India and Invest India as well as on other IT/Telecom related platforms. The applications received online against each thrust area will be scrutinized as per following procedure:

1.      The applications would be scrutinized using a pre-provided template by Jury having expertise on the relevant domain area

2.      Based on the initial scrutiny, the committee will further provide the list of top 5 applicants per use case who will pitch their solutions before a Jury comprising of experts in the area of supply chain and academia etc. especially constituted to adjudicate the contestants.

3.      The Jury would shortlist the top 03 applicants in each problem statement area who will be showing the efficacy of their respective solutions for possible integration in providing cost effective solutions to respective enterprises. The winner will get an opportunity for the paid POC with the respective enterprise.

4.      This procedure will be replicated for each of the thrust areas (three thrust areas).


Governing Mechanism


To finalize the challenge document and monitor day-to-day progress of the Enterprise Innovation Challenge, a Committee shall be constituted. The composition of the SC is as follows:



Name & Designation



Representative, Meity



Representative, NASSCOM CoE



Representative, Jubilant FoodWorks Limited



Representative, Diageo India private Limited



Representative, Anheuser BuschInBev India Limited



Any other member with approval



Process Flow

The process flow would consist of the following stages:


1. Program Launch and Registration

The program commences with Application Form floating onto the MeitY Startup Hub (MSH) Portal with a mirror links of the form prominently displayed across MyGov/ Startup India and other relevant websites. The Enterprise Innovation Challenge for Supply chain would be run according to the Standard operating Procedure (SoP) devised to run the challenges at MSH platform.


2.  Raising Awareness and Wide dissemination

Campaigns for raising awareness/ aggressive publicizing/marketing would be undertaken by Nasscom CoE. This would include:

·         Comprehensive coverage across all social media platforms including social media platform of MSH, MeitY, CoE, TIDE 2.0 Centers and channel partners.


·         Repetitive rounds of Mass mailers for wider coverage amongst startups


·         Launch Event with relevant stakeholders



3. Evaluation criteria

Initial Scrutiny of startup application will be based on the following points

·         Startup capabilities and experience 

·         Approach to solve the challenge (Innovation Factor)

·         Product/Solution details of startup

Scrutiny of startup application for pilot will be based on the following points (Indicative list)

·         Impact of the proposed solution

·         Scalability of proposed solution

·         Reduction in human intervention after this solution

·         Cost of implementation

·         Enhanced ease of operations or decision support from the proposed solution

Designated Agencies* and their Roles

1.      MeitY Startup Hub: For hosting and conducting the Enterprise Innovation Challenge

2.      NASSCOM CoE will be the organizing and implementing agency

3.      Jubilant FoodWorks Ltd, Diageo India & Anheuser Busch InBev India Limited as participating Enterprises

 Data Privacy

The data generated in the process of using the shortlisted challenges will be treated as per the provision of the existing legal framework/provisions of the country and will rest with the control of NASSCOM CoE.

Eligibility Standards

Indian Tech start-ups, MSMEs, Companies, LLPs registered in India under the Companies Act can apply. The entity must have 51% or more shareholding with an Indian citizen or person of Indian origin should be domiciled in India.

Further to encourage participation from academia and industry, participating teams not mandatorily registered as Companies/ startups/ MSMEs/ LLPs can also apply for the Enterprise Innovation Challenge for Supply Chain. However, the teams making it to Stage-2 will be required to apply for registration as Indian Startups/ Companies/ MSMEs/ LLPs. It is expected that by the time of selection at the final stage, the necessary registration has been completed.

Duration and Expected Timelines

Implementing Agencies

NASSCOM CoE will be the executing agency to run the challenge. NASSCOM CoE will work closely with MeitY Startup Hub to provide the problem statement and managing the operational requirements of the challenge. NASSCOM CoE will also provide the necessary support, infrastructure, technological integration, and resources needed by startups for demonstrating the efficacy of the solution envisaged being developed under the Challenge. 

Expected Outcomes

Through the successful execution of this Challenge, solutions will be identified as per the problem statements provided by participating enterprises. The development, deployment, and integration of these solutions will be the primary outcomes that will be benchmarked and assessed to evaluate the outcome of the Challenge.

·         Application to enable traceability of assets available at sites and also the transfer of assets between sites. This is to ensure easier physical identification of fixed assets.

·         Computer vision-based road and driver analytics platform to reduce vehicle accidents and vehicle breakdown and improve the distribution process compliance, and reduce food safety risk

·         In-transit breakages of Packed bottles leads to unwanted supply chain losses adding to operational overheads. Reduction in the same would lead to bottom-line improvement.

Application form/ Questionnaires for the evaluation


Proposed parameters, subject to members’ approval

1.      Name of the Startup

2.      Startup website

3.      Name of Founder/ Co – founder

4.      Contact Number

5.      Email Address

6.      Startup details (Brief introduction)

7.      Product/Solution details (Briefly introduce your primary products/solution)

8.      Number of team members

9.      Solution Focus Area

10.  Select the challenges you would like to solve (Check box)

11.  Please explain your approach to solve the challenge

12.  TRL (Technology Readiness Level)

13.  Any client references, success stories / achievements, funding, revenue

14.  Upload Deck (Review evaluation criteria so that the deck covers those slides)

15.  Adherence to eligibility criteria


Paid PoC with the use case sponsor company


Experts from User Agency, MeitY, NGOs, Industry, Academia etc. will be constituted as per the Committee’s recommendations.

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